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Health Risks Of Using Cell Phones

The cell phone or smartphone industry is the largest growing industry today. Every other day the industry comes up with new, advanced cell phone models and most of us are tempted to buy them.
Besides the fact that cell phones help in easy communication, did you know that there may be a possibility that it is adversely affecting your health?

A few national and international health authorities, including the World Health Organization (WHO), have stated that there is no established scientific evidence that the use of cell phones causes any health effects. However, the possibility of harm cannot be completely ruled out.
The National Cancer Institute claims that there are three reasons why people are concerned that cell phones may pose a threat to health.

1. Cell phones emit radio-frequency energy (RF), a form of non-ionizing radiation, from their antennas. The tissues close to the antenna absorb this energy.

2. There has been an increase in the number of cell phone users. As of December 2014, there were more than 327.5 million cell phone subscribers in the United States, according to the Cellular Telecommunications and Internet Association.

3. The number of calls, the duration of calls, and the amount of time people use cell phones have increased drastically.

What is radio frequency (RF) energy?

Radio frequency (RF) energy is a form of electromagnetic radiation. The electromagnetic radiation can be of two types: ionizing and non-ionizing radiations. Ionizing radiations include X-rays, radon, and cosmic rays. Exposure to these rays like X-rays is known to increase the risk of cancer.
Non-ionizing radiations include radio-frequency and extremely low frequency or power frequency. These have low frequencies and low energies. Although there are studies that have examined the possible health effects of non-ionizing radiations from microwave ovens, cell phones, and other sources, there is no consistent evidence that shows that these radiations increase the risk of cancer.

How Are People Exposed?

Cell phones work by sending signals to (and receiving from) nearby base stations using RF waves. The RF waves in a cell phone come from its antenna. The waves are strongest at the antenna and quickly lose energy as they travel away from it.
The cell phones are usually pressed against the side of the head when we use them. Those body tissues closest to the phone absorb more energy than the other parts.

1. The amount of time a person uses the cell phone.
2. The way the person uses the cell phone. For instance, if the cell phone is on speaker mode the cell phone is held away from the head.

3. The distance between the cell phone and a cell phone tower. If the cell phone is closer to a cell phone tower, there is good signal. However, if the cell phone tower is located away from the cell phone, then more energy is required to provide good signal.
4. The amount of cell phone traffic in an area. Higher traffic means that the cell phone requires more energy to provide good signal.
5. The model of the cell phone also affects the amount of RF energy a person is exposed to as different phones emit different amounts of energies.


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