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6 Clear Signs That Your Phone Was Hacked

With everything firmly manifested in the digital age the next logical step in our security seems to be encryption. How can we protect our private information, whether it be texts, phone calls, and/or emails, from potential hackers or big agencies? With everything now on the internet being easily accessible to everyone, what are some ways that we can protect ourselves and also ensure that we are not being spied on?

Whereas before we used to protect our laptops and computers, nowadays it is about protecting that little computer that sits in our pocket.
here are six ways to tell if your phone has been hacked
1. If your phone starts to run out of battery really quickly it could be a sign that there is an unknown app running in the background of your phone. 

2. If your phone constantly restarts itself, turns off, starts apps and/or dials random numbers it could be a hacker trying to infiltrate your phone.

3. If your phone is constantly warm or hot despite you not using it that much, it could be another sign that there is an unidentified app running in the background.
4. If there are unknown numbers in your ‘recent calls’ that could be a sign that someone is tinkering with your phone from abroad.

5. If you cannot turn off your cell phone or control simple apps like brightness and the camera then it could be a hacker behind the deficiencies.

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6. And finally, if you regularly hear noises or echoes during your phone calls in places where that normally doesn’t occur then that could be suspicious as well.
Here are several ways you can protect yourself. 

If you get a message without a full URL code, simply don’t open it. If you charge your phone with a foreign cable, choose the ‘Only charging’ option. Instead of connecting to every public Wi-Fi network, turn it off. And finally, don’t make purchases on a public network and don’t use the ‘Remember Password’ option unless on a secure network.

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