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How To Detect Negative Energy In Your Home Using Only Water

You may be a positive person and may want to live a happy, harmonious, and positive life but may not be able to do so. It may be due to the stress of your daily life, some incident that may be causing you to feel low, or because you are surrounded by negative energy. Negative energy can linger anywhere and if your home is filled with it, it can have a negative impact on your emotions and even your health. Energy is something you cannot see with your naked eye but can be felt as it usually reflects your emotional state.

Why Is Negative Energy Bad For You?

Being surrounded by negative energy is not good for you as it may destroy your confidence, bring down your self-worth, dampen your imagination, and impact your ability to perform well. And apart from these things, it can destroy the peace and harmony of your home. It can create conflict and cause many disturbances among your family members. As a result of all the pressure you may feel at home, you can become stressed and anxious, which negatively impacts your health in the long run. One thing you need to know about negative energy is that you cannot destroy it completely, but you can definitely reduce the amount of negative energy in your home to lead a much happier, healthier, and stress-free life.

How To Find Out If There Is Negative Energy In Your Home?

If you have been noticing a lot of accidents, illnesses, or arguments in your home, then you may have to clear negative energy from your environment. There are a number of ways in which you can find out if negative energy is what is disrupting the peace of your lovely home. Here is a simple technique you can use to do just that. All you need is a plain transparent glass, sea salt, good-quality apple cider vinegar or white vinegar, and pure water.

  • Add sea salt to the transparent glass and make sure it covers 1/3 of the glass.
  • Then add apple cider vinegar or white vinegar to it to fill 2/3 of the glass.
  • Add some pure water and place it in the area of your home you feel negative vibes.
  • Leave the glass for 24 hours and make sure not to move it during this time.
  • After 24 hours, monitor the state of the liquid in the glass.

If the liquid is the same as you had left it, then it means that the area is free of negative vibes and energy. If the glass gets gasified, becomes green or has smudged colors, or if the liquid turns dark in color, then it means the area is filled with negative energy. After you figure out whether your home is filled with negative energy or not, pour the entire content of the glass into the toilet bowl and flush it. Then make sure to wash the glass thoroughly. Repeat the entire procedure in different parts of your home whenever you feel necessary. However, use a different glass each time. After you repeat the process a few times, you will start feeling the positive energy in your home. You will definitely feel the tension ease among the members of your family and your home will be a much happier place to live in.
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